2017 год:

Во время своего обучения, многие ребята успевали путешествовать в соседние города, участвовать в различных мероприятиях университета и находить новых друзей. Студенты успешно прошли свое обучение и получили долгожданные сертификаты.
Отзыв студентов о пребывании в России:
«This class is a good platform for Chinese students to communicate with Russian students. It’s a very interesting course because it is totally different from that in China. In Сhina we pay more attention to tests but not use language. And the way of teaching is good for improving our speaking skills. The cooperation with Russian students improved our ability of communication and made us know more about Russian people. Three months passed, and we still remember the first time in General English lesson we were so nervous and excited. With the passage of time, Chinese and Russian students have become familiar with each other. For our considerate teacher, lovely classmate, very happy to meet you, we hope we can meet again later. In conclusion, it leaves an excellent impression in our heart!»