Consultations The SUSU Academic Writing Office can help you: select scientific journals indexed in Scopus and Web of Science; understand the requirements of the selected journal (translation from English into Continue Reading→
Institute of linguistics and international communications
“Digital Tools in Academic Publishing: Online Technologies and Artificial Intelligence” course (36 hours) was completed on November 28, 2024. On December 20, certificates were officially presented to the advanced training Continue Reading→
The conference was organized by the Association of Science Editors and Publishers (ASEP) and Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University. This was the 12th conference and it was devoted to finding Continue Reading→
The SUSU Academic Writing Office finalizes the project-based learning activities 2021-2023 and rates as “excellent” the defense of the education project Creation of an e-course English for Research Publication Purposes Continue Reading→
The Academic Writing office, SUSU, has awarded certificates of advanced training in Proofreading for Publishing: Polishing your Academic Writing program. The training was held online at a continuing educational portal. Continue Reading→
The SUSU Academic Writing Office stuff took part in the IV International conference Academic Science Communication: Teaching Non-Native English Speaking Scholars in a Multidisciplinary, Multicultural Context, which was held from Continue Reading→
Certificates of advanced training have been officially awarded at SUSU to the attendees of the course on Scientific Paper for an International Journal: Preparation and Publication. The training was organized Continue Reading→
SUSU Academic Writing Office stuff Evgenia Khabirova and Ekaterina Shefer together with the Head of Department of Linguistics and Translation Olga Babina took part in the annual international Translation Forum Continue Reading→
On May 18th, the Academic Writing Office of the SUSU Institute of Linguistics and International Communications held an online masterclass with editor David Mossop, entitled “How to render an academic Continue Reading→
On April 26–29, 2022, Moscow hosted the 10th International Scientific and Practical Conference International Scientific Publication-2022: From the Present to the Future. The event is held annually by Continue Reading→
The translators of the Academic Writing Office and the staff of ILIC have mastered modern technologies of translating and editing a scientific text. The training course was held from 14 Continue Reading→